Thursday, April 2, 2009

Bloody Siege at the Bank Of England

Watching the news on BBC and CNN earlier today gave me the shivers as our local media only give one sided reports of street demonstrations if it happens in Malaysia, and always play down what actually happens.

Blood spills in the streets of London today as US President Obama had tea with the Queen. Earlier he was at Downing Street having breakfast with PM Gordon Brown.
The mob had converged at the Bank of England and branches of the Royal Bank of Scotland earlier after emerging from the Underground.At first it was like a carnival but when people get drunk and high on drugs, bad things follow.The intense situation turned ugly and as the crowd got bigger, the people shoved and pushed. Their anger were directed at the Banks for bringing the economy to the brink of collapse. Some were frustrated and had lost their jobs.

Meanwhile the G20 summit starting tomorrow must be seen to agree on solutions to the world's messy economic situation. The last crisis in 1997 originated in Asia and stayed in Asia, but this year's crisis was caused by unscrupulous, greedy, corrupt and imprudent bankers and business leaders in America and Britain. The result of their ills easily spread to the whole world.

Meanwhile, Malaysians are not feeling the impact of the world economic chaos yet even though there are lay-offs at Dell, Intel and other manufacturing concerns as exports dwindles. Malaysians are still caught in the political turmoil caused after the General Elections in March last year. With the eyes focused on 3 bi-elections come 7th April and a new Prime Minister, Malaysians have not really come to terms with the realities of the economic downturn, let alone unite to brace themselves to face the situation with the right, honest and incorruptible strategies.

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