Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Winner or Loser

Excerpts from a book on winners and losers by Sydney I Harris.

  1. A winner makes commitment, a loser promises
  2. A winner listens, a loser waits for his turn to talk
  3. When a winner makes a mistake, he says, "I was wrong".When a loser makes a mistake, he says, "It was not my fault"
  4. A winner feels strong enough to be gentle, a loser is never gentle-he is either weak or pettily tyrannous by turns
  5. A winner says, "there might be a better way to do it". A loser says," that's the only way it has always been done"
  6. A winner respects those who are superior to him. A loser resents those who are superior and tries to find chinks in their armour
  7. A winner paces himself. A loser has only two speeds; hysterical and lethargic
  8. A winner has a healthy appreciation of his abilities and a keen awareness of his current limitations. A loser is oblivious to both his true abilities and his true limitations
  9. A winner takes a big problem and separates int into smaller parts so that it can be more easily solved. A loser takes a little problem and rolls them together until they are unsolvable
  10. A winner knows that people will be kind if given a chance. A loser feels that people will be unkind if given a chance
  11. When a winner works harder than a loser, he has more time. A loser is always "too busy" to do what is necessary.
  12. A winner isn't nearly afraid of losing as a loser is secretly afraid of winning.
  13. A winner goes through his problem. A loser goes around it and never gets past it
  14. A winner knows when to fight and what to compromise on. A loser compromises on what he shouldn't fight for what isn't worth fighting about
  15. A winner says he's sorry by making up for it. A loser says" I'm sorry" but does the same thing next time
  16. A winner would rather be admired than liked, although he prefers both. A loser would rather be liked than admired, and is willing to pay the price of mild contempt for it.
  17. A Winner learns from his mistakes. A Loser learns not to make mistakes by not trying anything different.
  18. A Loser believes in Fate. A Winner believes that we make our fate by what we do or fail to do.
  19. A Winner stops talking when he has made his point. A Loser goes on until he has blunted his point.
  20. A Winner in the end gives more than he takes. A Loser dies clinging to the illusion that winning means taking more than you give.
Are we winners of losers?

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